The Sports Archives – The Importance of Routine in Sports

mental health matters

Whether you’re dreaming of becoming a sports star or already playing at a high level, one thing is clear: having a routine is crucial. In sports, you won’t win or succeed every day. That’s where a solid routine comes in. It bridges the gap between being just average and becoming truly elite. A routine helps us handle the ups and downs of success. It’s our go-to, our steady ground, especially on days when things aren’t going our way.

As a former Division I athlete, I can attest to the importance of routine in sports. To me, sticking to a routine signals your consistency. Consistency is the key to achieving your goals, and hitting those goals propels you to the next level in your chosen sport. In the end, athletes can only control themselves. Routines empower athletes to have more control over their performances, allowing them to systematically prepare every aspect that influences their sport. In this article, we delve into the realm of routines, offering guidance to help you craft your own, taking your game to the next level.

How To Create Your Own Routine

Many Division I athletic teams utilize the guide below. Upon arriving on campus in either the fall or spring, we engage in this routine creation exercise. This process provides us with personal playbooks, outlining the steps needed to achieve our goals.

Set Your Goals

To kickstart your routine, begin by setting high goals—know what you want to achieve before diving into the grind. Writing down these aspirations enhances your likelihood of success, as studies suggest. Make these goals a daily visual by setting them as your wallpaper, and remember who you’re working for—whether it’s to better your family or give back to your community. Having a driving force will not only kickstart your routine but also keep you motivated as you progress.

Reflect On Your Current Strengths & Opportunities

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s important to figure out where you are right now and what steps you need to take to reach those goals. Talk to your coaches and mentors, and together, make a list of your strengths and areas to improve on. It’s great to pat yourself on the back for what you’re good at, but put most of your energy into the things you want to improve to reach your goals. During this step, team up with your coach or mentor to pinpoint specific drills or techniques that target your areas of opportunity. Remember, it’s all about progress, and working together with your coach or mentor is a key part of getting better every step of the way.

Calendar Your Action Steps

With the support of your coach or mentor, you’ve identified the areas to focus on for improving your game and getting closer to your goals. Now, it’s about creating a daily routine that brings consistency to your efforts. We like to call this process “calendaring your action steps.” Considering the various aspects of your life, such as school, work, and family time, it becomes crucial to allocate dedicated time every day for your practice. Consistency is the secret sauce for success, and taking days off only slows down your progress toward your goals.

In this step, identify a block of time each and every day that you can use to work towards your goal. If you’re a morning person (like I am), I suggest waking up and knocking out your action steps before the chaos of you day begins. If you’re a night owl, set aside a chunk of time at night where you can grind to close out your day. You need to find a block of time that will be available every day. Fluctuation in your timing will throw you off your routine and create inconsistent results.

Take Action

In my playing days, I calendared my action steps for every morning starting at 7:00 am. I would arrive to the field at 7:00 am with my accountability partner, and we would engage in the same drills every morning to help improve our game. By 8:00 am, we were finished with training and would head to the gym. Strength was an area of opportunity for us both. By 9:00 am, we were complete with our daily routine and were ready to head to class to get our degree.

Simple action such as the action I took as a DI athlete goes a long way. My accountability partner and I would do this every single day, amounting to over 14 hours a week of extra work outside of normal practice time. That adds up! The more consistent you are with your action, the more progress you make.

Find Your Accountability Partner

In the realm of sports, where discipline and consistency are paramount, an accountability partner serves as a reliable support system. Having an accountability partner is like having a dedicated teammate for your personal goals, and it’s crucial to your success. It’s someone who not only cheers you on but also ensures that you stay on track with your commitments. They provide encouragement during challenging times, celebrate victories, and most importantly, hold you responsible for your actions. This partnership fosters a sense of commitment, pushing you beyond your limits. Whether it’s a coach, teammate, or mentor, having someone to share the journey with makes your path to success not only more manageable but also more rewarding. The bond of accountability enhances motivation, reinforces discipline, and ultimately contributes to your overall growth and success.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the importance of having a routine in sports extends far beyond the realm of a mere schedule. It serves as the cornerstone of discipline, the scaffold of consistency, and the roadmap to success. A well-crafted routine is not merely a set of actions; it’s a dynamic force that propels athletes forward, shielding them from the fluctuations of success and guiding them toward their goals. It is a powerful ally, offering structure in the face of chaos, fostering habits that lead to improvement.

Learn more about the author, Matt Thomas, and his journey at Matt’s Playbook: Your one stop shop for all sporting equipment.


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